
The Big Breakfast

Rose put Floppy inside the wheel.
"The wheel turns the meat over the fire,"
said Rose. "It stops the meat burning."
"You look like a giant hamster," laughed Kipper.(p. 16)
"Keep walking and don't stop!" she said.
"Funny way to get a walk," thought Floppy.(p. 18)

In this story, Floppy is as if a hamster. I always think Floppy being treated is so bad. Since I read this book, I think I want Floppy to live happily without being embarrassed by magic adventures.


I write this post about LLC. There are many movies and many books about Languages, such as French and Chinese.  Also, there are  card games. I saw many papers about studying abroad. And sometimes events, concerning studying abroad and interaction with people, are held.
 I have ever watched DVDs in LLC. I often go to LLc to study with friends and have meeting. LLC is so good place for students, I think. If you never visit LLC, I strongly recommend LLC to you.

Egyptian Adventure

"I'm beginning to enjoy this adventure."(p. 22)
"It was all getting too much of a good thing.(p. 31)

In this story, Floppy was treated nicely. Floppy is always complaining about the magic adventures. However, in this book, he looks happy, instead, Nadim, Annena, Chip and Biff were so tired. If you want to see Floppy happy, please read it and you will be happy.

Viking Adventure

Biff wanted to give the torch to the vikings but Wilf told her not to.

When I read this book, Wilf is a good person, I think. He is so smart. during you reading, you would find Wilf, Biff and Kipper eating raw potato. These potato is so fresh and do they taste good? No.
When you read it, you would enjoy its story as well as its paints. Please read it!

Victorian Adventure

"I'm having an adventure of my own,"
said Gran.

I was surprised at that Gran got along with whoever and that Queen Victoria kept calm when she saw the present form of pictures. I thought old people are so wise and interesting. This book, "Victorian Adventure" lasts since a book, " A Day in London". Please read it!

A Day in London

"Whatever will Gran do next?" said Dad.
"She's worse than the children!" said Mum.

In this book, Gran is more vigorous than her grandchildren. When she come to Chip's house, She is a playing leader for her children..
 When I read this book, I wanna be like her, because, when I was a child, my grandmother always played with me. So I wish I wanted to live for a long time and play with  my children.


"And what's more important than all this mud? we are ," said Mum.

When I read this book, I want to avoid my house getting mud. However, When Flood happens, Such a a thing could occur. Since I read it, I thought we should prepare for running away from my house when disasters happen.

Pocket Money

"But Chip and Kipper don't mind," said Biff.
"That's not the point," said Dad.
"The idea is That we share the jobs."

In this book, Biff's family came to camp. Biff's dad make a chart that said "all the work do together," If you do a thing, you get extra money. So Biff worked hard, but Biff's father scolded her for this reason above. When you read this book, you know a family's kindness. Please read it!

Save Floppy!

" I'm glad we're going," thought Floppy,
"but I'm sorry I can't take all the lovely bones."

Since "The evil Genie", Biff and Chip found Floppy. He was fine. We thought, this book's title is "Save Floppy!", but, since the middle of this book, its story changed dramatically. I recommend the book to you.

The evil Genie

Floppy hated magic an adventure. (p. 4)
"I hate boats!" thought Floppy. (p. 9)
"Things are getting worse," thought Floppy. (p. 17)
Floppy hated the adventure, and he hated the genie even more. (p. 22)

From these sentences above, you can understand how Floppy hated things concerning magic adventures. In this time, Floppy are likely to get mad. He want to live in ordinary life happily. So , for him, the magic adventure is so bad. This story lasts next to "Save Floppy!"
If you read this book, I recommend "Save Floppy!" to you.

The Kidnappers

The nasty bears were greedy and
 they couldn't resist the honey.

In this story, you might encounter two bears. When I read this book, I payed attention to greedy. In this book, greedy makes your end badly, I found. So, when you read it, I hope  you'll confirm your greedy.

Oxford Reading Tree

 My favorite book series is Oxford Reading Tree. In the books, there are many colorful drawings and interesting characters. Especially the characters I love Gran, Chip and Floppy.
 Gran has a gray short hair and wear sunglasses. She is so powerful. She is cheerful as the same as their grandchildren. I hope I will be like her.
 Chip is so kind. He always help people around him, especially, their brother, Kipper,and sister, Biff. 
 Floppy is a good dog. He is an old dog. He often go to a magic adventure with his owners due to a magic key. But he hates it so when he go to an adventure, he is always complaining. That is so funny for me. 
 If you read books of Oxford Reading Tree, I want you to pay attention to them.
Please enjoy reading books.

Books I recommend to you

This week

 Last Sunday and Saturday, I worked my part-time job so hard. In Japan, Summer Vacation comes. Many children, with their parents, came to a cafe I worked in. So, from now on, I will have to work so hard. however, I'm going to go to Okinawa, Oita and Korea during summer. So for that, I work hard.


My week

Last Sunday, I wen to to watching "BTS's live viewing". It was so fanyastic. I've never seen this live. When I watched it, I went to a theater with a friend of my friend's. She is so cute and, A person whom she strongly recommend to is the same person for me. So, this live viewing was more fun than ever. When this live finished, we got along with each other.
Also,  Yesterday, I worked a part-time job. I was very tired, but I maked much money,so I'm so glad.



In Mulan's land people still sing about her,
It is hard to believe
that it could be so,
but now we have learned,
now we know
not to judge people by how they look.
You, too, can be a hero
and have your take told
or put in a book.

This story's main character is a young woman, Mulan. In the world which she lives, a man have to protect his family and fight against enemy, if a war occurs. On the other hand, a woman have to do so, only in her home.However, Mulan played a role in a man, instead of her father who was sick. By her great achievements, the song above was maded by the people. When you read it, you get a power from and get motivated by this book, Mulan. Also, Mulan is a one of the Disney's films. I love it. Please read and watch it!!

The Children of Lir

As time passed her jealousy grew and she hated the children more and more.
"I wish they would disappear," she thought, "their King Lir would love only me."

Since I read this book, We should have some opportunity to talk about our troubles with those who love each other with us. So if there are troubles between your partner and you, I strongly recommend to you that you might gain tips to become much better relations from this book.

East of the Sun, West of the Moon

"With a test of true love," said the Prince.
"The winner will be the one who can clean the magic wax from my shirt."(p26)

This sentence above is so funny! Why do they judge who have true love for the Prince by cleaning a wax from his shirt? I think  they would have other ways to test true love. Three main characters in this story are a witch, Long Nose, a girl, Astrid and the Prince. This book is so funny and exciting. Please read it, if you are interested in who is a winner of true love.

Beauty and the Beast

"we must never judge anyone by how they look."(p31)

This book, Beauty and the Beast, might be different from what you know. For example, a heroin is not Belle but Bella. Also, she has two sisters like Cinderella. If you enjoy a little strange Beauty and the Beast, please read it.

Red Plant

Floppy didn't like the look of it. He began to bark and bark.

This story is that Wilf, Chip, Nadim and Floppy go to the Red Plant by the rocket ship. This story's interesting point is that Floppy didn't like space except for the rocket ship. In this story, you will understand how extent he hate a space. Please read it.


"I don't want to be the Dog of the Year, and I'm not Superdog. I'm just me. I'm just a floppy old dog who wants a bit of peace.(p32)

You can learn from this book that, even if your action or thoughts are praised by other people, if they are different from the way which you wanna go, you should follow your road that you have faith in.

The Quest

"You are brave and good," said the gnome.
"I've never met a brave, good person before. I am going to help you with your guest."(p23)

 This story is about a girl's quest. A girl, Wilma,  was writing a story about quest. Because of the magic key, it took her to her story's world. If you wanna know how and when she was praised by the gnome, please read it.

Key Trouble

"I don't like you," he yelled. (p15)
"I want to go home."(p16)

When you read this book, you can learn what attitude you should take. If you confront the difficulties, please read it.

The Finest in the Land

She whispered to Hugh, " Creep out and take Edith."

This story is a poor young man, Hugh, and a Princess, Edith, are in love so Wilma, Biff, Wilf, Anneena and Hugh's friends try to help her to run away from her castle with Hugh. Do they run away? Please read it, if you know the end.

The Blue Eye

"Hold on tight!" yelled Princess Aisha.
One of the main characters, Princess Aisha, is often showed in Oxford Reading Tree. She always say "Never mind." and "Hold on tight!" If you meet her, you will have to be in trouble, but she and you could make it!

The Flying Machine

"Never mind, " said Harold.(p31)

two twin brothers, Henry and Harold, are very good friends and family. When one brother feels so sad, another brother cheers him on. And, they are so close. If only my a relation between my brother and I were as their relationship.

Dutch Adventure

"They stopped a bad flood. Using cheese was a brilliant idea."

Chip and Biff went to Dutch by the magic key. They met a kind boy, Hans. He saved a village by losing his important things to live, but he can get something better than then. T be kind to other people makes you be happier than you.


You"ll think of something, " grinned Wilf.(p32)

This sentence above is a key sentence of this book. Even if you are unlikely to have troubles, if you will think of something, you can make bad situation get well soon. So when anything happens to you, you first think of something.

The Little Queen

When they had finished, Chip and Wilf looked for the little bin.There was only one bin and it was full. Chip threw his litter on the ground.
"I don't think we should do that, "said Wilf.
"The litter bin is full, so what does it matter?"(p13)

 This story recommend you to keep everywhere clean. I often see a garbage box which is full, nevertheless, and many people threw their garbage into it. Finally, a place around the garbage box is so dirty.So I think we should bring our garbage to our home or threw it into other garbage.


Paris Adventure

"It looks like the Eiffel Tower," said Biff.
She spoke to the man.
"Excuse me," she said. "Why not make the torch into a tower?"
"Excuse me," said Anneena."But is your name Eiffiel?"
"Brilliant!"said the man. "Brilliant!"
Just then the magic key Began to glow.'(p22~23)

 This story is an adventure to old Paris.When you read this book, you will find out who made The Eiffel Tower.

MY week

 Last Saturday, I watched THE MUSIC DAY, because my favorite singer, BTS , performed on the channel. I was so excited. If only I watched their performance.

Last Sunday, I worked part-time job so hard.The day is soooo hard that I have never experienced. I hope that my job will be easy next week.



In many of the bigger museums and galleries, tickets are free.

I am surprised at the sentence above. Almost of the Japanese museums are not for free. So I long foe museums in Japan being for free.

When you come to London, do not bring a car. Take an underground train or a bus. Or walks!

Or you can travel in one of London's famous black taxis(also called 'black cabs').

I know a car doesn't suit traveling to London, but I don't know there are cabs in London.

My Week( or two)

 I read Agatha Christie's books last week.
The first book is A Mysterious Affair at Styles.This book made me stay up too late, excited.
The second book is Mystery of the Blue Train. This book is exciting, but I have a little thing I didn't know so my head is fuzzy.

These two books is great. I recommend them to you.

The week before last, I went ti a funeral for my dog, called Roku. It made me sad,  but I was glad firmly to say goodbye to him.

The Ring

 The Ring by Barnerd Smith It was good