

"Well, don't do anything stupid!" Shepherd did not look happy. Sometimes Kirkpatrick wanted a story too much. (p8)

”Harley!" Shepherd was angry."It's going to be OK," said Kirkpatrick. "It's not stupid - it's very clever." (p13)

"I told you, Harley," said Shepherd." I said don't do anything stupid!""OK, OK," said Kirkpatrick. (p18)

"Harley!" she said. "Harley. Listen to me. Oh, OK. Go to sleep, then!" Kirkpatrick was asleep with a smile on his face. Shepherd smiled too, and then she looked back at the road. (p32)

    I read the book, "BLOOD DIAMONDS." This book is a mystery story. The main characters are Harley Kirkpatrick, a journalist, and Annie Shepherd, who is his colleague and a journalist, and Erick VAn Delft, a businessman, and Sophie Lafon, who is an owner of a jewelry shop. Blood diamonds are important for a number of people in Africa. They give people work and help them get money. However,  people in some countries buy gi\uns with diamonds. We call these diamonds " blood diamonds" because many people die from guns. Harley knows the existence of blood diamonds, and try to reveal how certain businessman sell and buy blood diamonds.
    After I read this book, I think it is an ordinary mystery story. However, conversations between Annie and Harley are so funny. As quotations above, Harley always makes Annie annoyed and then Annie is angry but eventually, she forgives him in her mind. Such a relationship is so wonderful and it is a good point in this book. If you get interested in this book, please read it, focusing a dialogue between Harley and Annie.


Just like a movie

     I read this book, Just a like movie. This story is a pity love story. Main characters are Brad Black, who was a handyman and loves the movies, and Gina, who is Brad's girlfriend and a school teacher, and Carrie, who is a rich girl.
    Both Brad and Gina had the same habit of going to watch films. They met in a theater near which each lived. They loved each other and wanted to marry but they were so poor that they can't marry. One day when Brad and Gina watched a movie in the familiar theater, a good idea which came from the movie called " Dead Money" occured to Brad' head. After the film finished,Brad suggested to Gina the good idea. However, Gina disagreed. Finally, Brad planned to get enough money to get married with Gina without saying this plan.
    Before I read this book, I thought this book would be a love story from the title of this book. Actually, its story was so complicated, but interesting. I think Brad and Gina need to have conversation. Love stories of this book series always say that love is ,of course, wonderful but behind it, there are dangerous things, I think. this book is not just a love story. i strongly recommend it to you.

The Ring

 The Ring by Barnerd Smith It was good