
Operation Osprey

"This way, gentlemen," said Sergeant Keddle to his colleagues through the megaphone.

     I read Operation Osprey. Its author is David A.Hill. He was born in Walsall, a town in the area of the English Midlands known as The Black Country. The story of the book is about the return of the osprey to the nest in Britain. Ospreys were hunted to extinction by 1910. After this, they were only seen as they migrated to and from their nesting sites in Scandinavia and Russia. The RSPB set up a guard the trees where the birds had nested. Over the nest few years they reared a number of chicks, but some of the eggs were stolen. Eventually, Loch Garten became a Bird Reserve where the public could watch the birds and their chicks. Gradually, the young birds also returned and built nests on other lakes in Scotland and now there are over 100 pairs nesting each year.

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The Ring

 The Ring by Barnerd Smith It was good